Mason County, Illinois ILGenWeb


History of Menard and Mason Counties, Illinois, 1879, by Miller and Ruggles
Quiver Township
Page 824

J. H. HUGHES, farmer and stock dealer; P. O. Topeka ; son of Harry Hughes, of Scotland, who was awhile in Pennsylvania a physician and overseer of iron works. His wife was Hannah Penchion, daughter of John Penchion, of Ireland. She was born in Pennsylvania. He died about 1849, and his wife some time afterward came to Ohio, where she died in 1871. They were both strict church members. The subject of this sketch was born Oct. 5, 1841, on a farm in Franklin Co., Penn., and there remained till 21, when he enlisted in the 21st P. V. C., and served nearly two years; was a Corporal, and was wounded in the thigh at the battle of Bunker Hill, Va. On his return from the war, he engaged in teaching and teaming, in Noble Co., Ind., for about two years. In the spring of 1865, he left Indiana, with but little means, and came to Mason Co., Ill., having on his arrival at Havana only $13.60; he engaged at work in a livery stable for Joseph Taylor, of Havana, for three months, when having saved his means, he engaged in partnership with Taylor, and was thus connected for three years, when Mr. Taylor drew out and the firm changed to Hughes & Ranould. and continued such until 1869, when they sold to Taylor, and Mr. Hughes engaged in farming on 40 acres of land, near Mason City, which he owned; he was also renting in addition; he continued his farming at said place for two years, during which time he added 80 acres, and then traded his 120 acres for the present farm of 250 acres to which he has since added, until he now has 450 acres, which have been obtained entirely by his own labor, and which he has improved and made of fine quality, and well adapted to cattle raising, which he makes a specialty. Mr. Hughes was married, in 1867, to Georgiana Taylor, daughter of Joseph Taylor, one of the early settlers of Mason Co., and once Mr. Hughes' partner in the livery business ; Mr. Taylor's wife's name was Honehin; she was born in Kentucky, and is still living; she had six children. Mr. Hughes has been no office-seeker, but has been connected with the schools. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church at Ebenezer. Their marriage blessed them with three children, all living:  Cleggitt, born April 28, 1869; Ethiel G., July 31, 1871; Lulia B., Nov. 7. 1875.

Maintained by Mason County Coordinator Donna Mayer